Use our new Project Estimator to get an instant estimate for your next painting project or call 352-216-8501 to schedule an in-person estimate!

Get an Estimate

    Customer Info

    Exterior Painting Estimator

    Please fill out this short form to get an exterior painting estimate instantly. It's easy. Just select the square footage of your home and the average height of your ceilings, and your estimate will be generated automatically. After your estimate has been generated, click on the green button at the bottom of the page to request an in-person, on-location estimate.

    How many square feet is your building?

    0-1,500 sq. ft.

    1,501-2,500 sq. ft.

    2,501-5,000 sq. ft.

    Exterior Painting Project Estimate:
    (Select Options Above to Get Estimate)

    This is a rough estimate for your exterior painting project. Final cost will be based on actual square footage of your walls, type of paint, colors, trim options, etc. We will provide a more accurate estimate after we have reviewed your project location in person.